Monday, 17 March 2014

IBM Worklight Mobile Application Development

Hello WebSpherians,

IBM has launched a wonderful product for mobile application development. It is known as IBM Worklight.
Few days ago I started to learn it and found it wonderful and I think it is going to capture the mobile development market because it has a very good advantage over all other. 
What's that?
IBM Worklight provide you a development environment where you can develop apps for all the platforms like Mac iOS, Windows Tablet PCs, Andriod, Blackberry and etc at one place and provide a common development platform that saves yours 90% rework. 
All you have to do is to build an app using Worklight, and then build it for a selected platform, once it is converted to specific platform then you can do the development that is specific for selected platform. 
So, this way you can re-use 90% of app development effort in all platforms.
This is outstanding......

I am learning it from following book which is very well written and easy to understand. It provides screenshots for all required steps, which at least for me is very very easy to understand. It takes you from very beginning to advance level.